We hope you have had a chance to read our new children’s book,
My Super Hero, written by Jill Schroeder Hemann, and illustrated by Olivia Beaty.
If so, what did you think? We would love to hear from you!
Your book review means a lot to us. Here is what one of our readers had to say about
My Super Hero. Thank you, Ruthanne, for your kind words.

Please comment here or send your review to jill@jillhemannbooks.com so that we can feature you on our website. Your reviews are especially important to us on www.amazon.com/books and www.store.bookbaby.com.
Our goal is to invite children to experience a passionate and lifelong relationship with Jesus and to fill their hearts with His everlasting love. ❤️

It has been an exciting month at Jill Hemann Books! We appreciate the support of family and friends who have helped spread the word about our new Christian children’s book, My Super Hero. For book details and to order your copy today, visit www.jillhemannbooks.com
Jill ❤️
Thank you SO much, Tanya! Love you and our precious church family at River Pointe. ❤️ ~Jill
"My Super Hero is so wonderful! My husband and I read it multiple times. I love how Jill uses a compelling question and clever sequencing to spark curiosity and take the reader to the climax of the story. So good! We are eager to read this with our autistic grandson who loves super heroes! Thank you, Jill and Olivia for following and sharing the gifts God has given you!" ~Tanya Whitaker, Executive Pastor of Ministries River Pointe | West End Church