We are all enamored by superheroes, and My Super Hero takes us on a journey through each day of the week searching for the all-powerful, ultimate superhero. Do you know who he is? Whether you are 3 or 103, this is a must-read for the entire family!
My Super Hero is available for pre-sale NOW (ships on Aug. 8th) in paperback through several worldwide book distributors such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many more.
My Super Hero is available for purchase NOW in paperback (soon in hardcover!) through our publisher, Book Baby. https://store.bookbaby.com/book/My-Super-Hero
For links to purchase My Super Hero and stay updated on events and new book releases, please visit www.jillhemannbooks.com.
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Blessings to all,
Jill Hemann
My granddaughter, Andie, recommends My Super Hero!